If your Cal ID is not currently supported there will be more vehicle detail options to fill in and an option to read the engine calibration out of the vehicle so it can be sent to EcuTek and support added.

Once the process is completed you can send the vehicle info to your tuner (which also goes to EcuTek).

Once the Information has been sent to the tuner (be aware the tuner receives your Name, Email, VIN and CAL ID when you press the send button if you change tuners you will need to resend the vehicle information).
If you have your vehicle interface you can now plug the interface in and pair the interface to your device. The instructions for connecting and pairing to the device are shown here

At this point the process will need to wait (you can exit ECU Connect and return to it later) It may take some time for the tuner to prepare a ROM, you can continue to talk to your tuner via which ever means you prefer and they will let you know when your Flash File is ready. If your vehicles CAL ID needed to be added for support the process may take up to 7 days, communication will be via the support desk at EcuTek.
Hopefully this information helps, if you need further description or are having issues please contact your tuner or support@ecutek.com.
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